Bagmatic NOVO LS

Blood donation monitor

Bagmatic NOVO LS is an advanced blood bag 3D mixing scale that requires minimal space and has a nice touch screen. The blood bag mixing scale is designed for mobile use. It has been developed with pre-defined blood donation in mind and to mix the product in a three-dimensional way during blood donation. To ensure the highest quality, the Bagmatic NOVO LS measures the entire blood donation and records all significant events that may occur during such a process.Bagmatic NOVO LS is particularly suitable for field applications. Battery-powered version is an option. It has maximum and minimum flow detection that ensures high product quality, as well as visual indication of error/warning/donation status. The blood bag mixing scale is easy to clean and maintain. The blood donation monitor has the following functions:

• 8 hours of independent work and more than 50 donations

• Lighting that marks in the menu where you are in the process

• Precise flow control• Modern touch screen• USB port

• Robust and safe transport case• Option: battery-powered version with long battery life

• Option: barcode scanner• Option: radio connection for data transmission

• Option: PC software ERYSYS for device configuration, data acquisition and analysis.

Se all blood bank products.

Download the Bagmatic NOVO LS brochure here:



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Monday – Friday:
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m
VAT no: 928653382MVA


Tel: +47 977 29 712
Support: +47 948 26 016
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